Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I wish I was the Incredible Hulk to POUND the common sense into people about the conservation of energy, recycling and being less wasteful. It just makes sense to be mindful of the reosources we use in our day to day activities. The Earth is a finite piece of property that we cannot re-manufacture another version of.
I truly feel that to have a sustainable and thriving business today you must conserve your resources. By conserving you save money, by saving money you increase your profits. Not only conservation will increase your overall profit, but reusing durable goods and eliminating as much waste as possible will also bump up the money being made because you are not wasting it on new goods, or high trash bills. Of course these ideas are just the very tip of the ice berg in how businesses can operate efficiently in todays economy. By being green will allow you to make the green ($$), but with the added benefit of feeling like you are making a difference in your local community.
I pose this question to you...what are you doing to lessen your impact on this Earth? What simple things can you do on a daily basis to help improve the world we live in? Think about it....and I will come back with some answers for you to implement in your day to day life to help reduce your impact on the Earth.

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